Research    Publications    Funding    Professor    People    Course
Sungkil Lee (이성길), Ph.D.

Director, Computer Graphics Lab.
Depts. of CSE (소프트웨어학과), IME (실감미디어공학과)
College of Computing and Informatics (소프트웨어융합대학)
Sungkyunkwan University (성균관대학교)
Suwon, South Korea

Office: 27328, Eng. Bldg. 2 (제2공학관 27동 27328호)
Email: sungkil at
Phone: +82 31-290-7126
Curriculum Vitae:

Sungkil Lee is a professor at Sungkyunkwan University, Korea. He obtained his BS (2002) and PhD (2009) degrees in materials science and engineering and computer science and engineering at POSTECH, Korea. He was a postdoctoral researcher at the Max-Planck-Institut (MPI) Informatik (2009--2011), and a visiting professor at Delft University of Technology (2017). His research interests include real-time GPU rendering, optics, view synthesis, synthetic data, virtual reality, and GPU computing.

Publication Author Profiles

You can find my up-to-date public publication profiles in what follows.


Academic Activities

  • Membership: ACM, ACM SIGGRAPH, IEEE, IEEE/CS, Eurographics, Asia Graphics, KCGS, KHCI, KIPS, KIISE

  • International Program Committee: EG Symp. Rendering (EGSR) 2023, ACM/EG High Performance Graphics (HPG) 2023/2022/2021, 3D Systems and Applications (3DSA) 2023, Pacific Graphics (PG) 2022/2019/2014, ACM Web3D 2020, CAD/Graphics 2017/2015, Eurographics (EG) 2015/2014, IEEE VR 2014, ISMAR 2009

  • Served as a conference referee for: SIGGRAPH, SIGGRAPH ASIA, SIGCHI, Eurographics (EG), IEEE Visualization, Pacific Graphics (PG), EG Symp. Rendering (EGSR), High Performance Graphics (HPG), EuroVis, Graphics Interface (GI), IEEE Virtual Reality (VR), ISMAR, WorldHaptics, Eurohaptics, CAD/Graphics, IEEE 3DUI, IEEE ICCE, DASFAA

  • Served as a journal referee for: ACM TOG, IEEE TVCG, IEEE CGA, Computer Graphics Forum, Computers and Graphics, IEEE TCI, Visual Computer, Graphical Models, IEEE TCSVT, Elsevier JVCI, Journal of Supercomputing

  • Served as a program chair for: KCGS 2021, KCGS 2020

  • Served as an award referee for: Samsung HumanTech Awards


  • 2023. CG, Advanced CG, VR
  • 2022. CG, CG Theory, Advanced CG, VR
  • 2021. CG, CG Theory, VR
  • 2020. CG, CG Theory, CSE Seminar, Freshmen Seminar
  • 2019. CG, CG Project, Advanced CG, CSE Seminar
  • 2018. CG, CG Theory, ECP
  • 2016. CG, CG Theory
  • 2015. CG, Advanced CG, Algorithm Analysis
  • 2014. CG, CG Theory, Algorithms, Algorithm Analysis
  • 2013. CG, CG Theory, BPP, Algorithm Analysis
  • 2012. CG, Algorithms, BPP, CG Theory
  • 2011. Undergraduate Seminar, Advanced Software, Creative Engineering Design

  • * Note. CG = Computer Graphics, VR = Virtual Reality, BPP = Basis and Practice in Programming, ECP = Engineering Computer Programming

Invited Talks

  • 2023.08.09: ACM SIGGRAPH 2023, Potentially Visible Hidden-Volume Rendering for Multi-View Warping.
  • 2019.10.14: Pacific Graphics 2019, Depth Warping and Its Applications.
  • 2019.07.30: ACM SIGGRAPH 2019 Technical Papers, Iterative Depth Warping.
  • 2018.04.13: Kyunghee University, Effective Rendering of Optical Effects.
  • 2017.10.18: GFZ Potsdam, Germany. Perceptually Driven Visibility Optimization for Categorical Data Visualization
  • 2017.05.23: CGV Group Seminar, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands. Effective Rendering of optical Effects.
  • 2016.10.27: K-Global Connect Pangyo Festival, Realistic High-Performance Lens-Flare Rendering for Virtual Reality
  • 2016.09.30: Kyunghee University, Introduction to Modern Real-Time Rendering.
  • 2016.05.31: Modern AR/VR Tutorials, The Institute of Electronic and Information Engineers. Real-Time Global Illumination for VR.
  • 2015.04.22: Nexon, Inc. Practical Real-Time Lens-Flare Rendering.
  • 2014.07.11: Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology . Real-Time Postfiltering Effects.
  • 2014.06.03: UNIST, Real-Time Optical Effect Rendering for Computer Graphics.
  • 2014.04.11: Workshop on Realistic Media, The Korean Society of Broadcast Engineering. Real-Time Optical Effect Rendering.
  • 2014.01.16: CT Forum, Daegu. Real-Time Optical Effect Rendering for Realistic Contents.
  • 2013.11.07: Inha Univ., Real-Time Optical Effect Rendering for Computer Graphics.
  • 2013.10.17: Atlanta GA, IEEE VIS 2013. Perceptually Driven Visibility Optimization for Categorical Data Visualization.
  • 2013.06.17: Zaragoza Spain, EGSR 2013. Practical Real-Time Lens-Flare Rendering.
  • 2012.09.27: KIST. GPU-Based Real-Time Lens Effects Rendering.
  • 2012.09.19: Korea Univ., Getting started with GPGPU.
  • 2012.04.25: Korea Univ., Korea. GPU-Based Real-Time Lens Effects Rendering.
  • 2011.06.10: ETRI, Korea. GPU-Based Real-Time Lens Effects Rendering.
  • 2011.06.10: KAIST, Korea. Real-Time Lens Effects.
  • 2011.06.08: POSTECH, Korea. Real-Time Lens Blur Effects and Focus Control.
  • 2011.04.14: ICAT, Korea. Real-Time Lens Blur Effects.
  • 2010.07.25: Los Angeles CA, SIGGRAPH 2010. Real-time Lens Blur Effects and Focus Control.
  • 2009.12.09: Yokohama Japan, SIGGRAPH ASIA 2009. Depth-of-Field Rendering with Multiview Synthesis.
  • 2008.10.10: Tokyo, Pacific Graphics 2008. Real-Time Depth-of-Field Rendering using Point Splatting on Per-Pixel Layers.
  • 2007.11.03: Los Angeles CA, VRST 2007. Real-Time Tracking of Visuallyl Attended Objects in Interactive VEs.
  • 2004.10.13: Valencia Spain, Presence Workshop 2004. Formation of Spatial Presence: By Form or Content?
27336, College of Software, Sungkyunkwan University, Tel. +82 31-299-4917, Seobu-ro 2066, Jangan-gu, Suwon, 16419, South Korea
Campus map (how to reach CGLab)