Sungkil Lee is a professor at Sungkyunkwan University, Korea. He obtained his BS (2002) and PhD (2009) degrees in materials science and engineering and computer science and engineering at POSTECH, Korea. He was a postdoctoral researcher at the Max-Planck-Institut (MPI) Informatik (2009--2011), and a visiting professor at Delft University of Technology (2017). His research interests include real-time GPU rendering, optics, view synthesis, synthetic data, virtual reality, and GPU computing.
Publication Author Profiles
You can find my up-to-date public publication profiles in what follows.
- Apr. 2021 - present: Professor at Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon, Korea.
- Apr. 2015 - Mar. 2021: Associate Professor at Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon, Korea.
- Feb. 2017 - Jan. 2018: Visiting Professor at Computer Graphics and Visualization Group, Delft University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands.
- Mar. 2011 - Mar. 2015: Assistant Professor at Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon, Korea.
- Mar. 2009 - Feb. 2011:
Postdoc. researcher at
Computer Graphics Dept.,
Max-Planck-Institut Informatik, Germany.
Academic Activities
- Membership: ACM, ACM SIGGRAPH, IEEE, IEEE/CS, Eurographics, Asia Graphics, KCGS, KHCI, KIPS, KIISE
- International Program Committee:
EG Symp. Rendering (EGSR) 2023,
ACM/EG High Performance Graphics (HPG) 2023/2022/2021,
3D Systems and Applications (3DSA) 2023,
Pacific Graphics (PG) 2022/2019/2014,
ACM Web3D 2020,
CAD/Graphics 2017/2015,
Eurographics (EG) 2015/2014,
IEEE VR 2014,
ISMAR 2009
- Served as a conference referee for:
SIGGRAPH, SIGGRAPH ASIA, SIGCHI, Eurographics (EG), IEEE Visualization,
Pacific Graphics (PG), EG Symp. Rendering (EGSR), High Performance Graphics (HPG), EuroVis, Graphics Interface (GI), IEEE Virtual Reality (VR), ISMAR, WorldHaptics, Eurohaptics, CAD/Graphics, IEEE 3DUI, IEEE ICCE, DASFAA
- Served as a journal referee for:
ACM TOG, IEEE TVCG, IEEE CGA, Computer Graphics Forum, Computers and Graphics, IEEE TCI, Visual Computer, Graphical Models, IEEE TCSVT, Elsevier JVCI, Journal of Supercomputing
- Served as a program chair for:
KCGS 2021, KCGS 2020
- Served as an award referee for:
Samsung HumanTech Awards
- 2023. CG, Advanced CG, VR
- 2022. CG, CG Theory, Advanced CG, VR
- 2021. CG, CG Theory, VR
- 2020. CG, CG Theory, CSE Seminar, Freshmen Seminar
- 2019. CG, CG Project, Advanced CG, CSE Seminar
- 2018. CG, CG Theory, ECP
- 2016. CG, CG Theory
- 2015. CG, Advanced CG, Algorithm Analysis
- 2014. CG, CG Theory, Algorithms, Algorithm Analysis
- 2013. CG, CG Theory, BPP, Algorithm Analysis
- 2012. CG, Algorithms, BPP, CG Theory
- 2011. Undergraduate Seminar, Advanced Software, Creative Engineering Design
* Note. CG = Computer Graphics, VR = Virtual Reality, BPP = Basis and Practice in Programming, ECP = Engineering Computer Programming
Invited Talks
- 2023.08.09: ACM SIGGRAPH 2023, Potentially Visible Hidden-Volume Rendering for Multi-View Warping.
- 2019.10.14: Pacific Graphics 2019, Depth Warping and Its Applications.
- 2019.07.30: ACM SIGGRAPH 2019 Technical Papers, Iterative Depth Warping.
- 2018.04.13: Kyunghee University, Effective Rendering of Optical Effects.
- 2017.10.18: GFZ Potsdam, Germany. Perceptually Driven Visibility Optimization for Categorical Data Visualization
- 2017.05.23: CGV Group Seminar, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands. Effective Rendering of optical Effects.
- 2016.10.27: K-Global Connect Pangyo Festival, Realistic High-Performance Lens-Flare Rendering for Virtual Reality
- 2016.09.30: Kyunghee University, Introduction to Modern Real-Time Rendering.
- 2016.05.31: Modern AR/VR Tutorials, The Institute of Electronic and Information Engineers. Real-Time Global Illumination for VR.
- 2015.04.22: Nexon, Inc. Practical Real-Time Lens-Flare Rendering.
- 2014.07.11: Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology . Real-Time Postfiltering Effects.
- 2014.06.03: UNIST, Real-Time Optical Effect Rendering for Computer Graphics.
- 2014.04.11: Workshop on Realistic Media, The Korean Society of Broadcast Engineering. Real-Time Optical Effect Rendering.
- 2014.01.16: CT Forum, Daegu. Real-Time Optical Effect Rendering for Realistic Contents.
- 2013.11.07: Inha Univ., Real-Time Optical Effect Rendering for Computer Graphics.
- 2013.10.17: Atlanta GA, IEEE VIS 2013. Perceptually Driven Visibility Optimization for Categorical Data Visualization.
- 2013.06.17: Zaragoza Spain, EGSR 2013. Practical Real-Time Lens-Flare Rendering.
- 2012.09.27: KIST. GPU-Based Real-Time Lens Effects Rendering.
- 2012.09.19: Korea Univ., Getting started with GPGPU.
- 2012.04.25: Korea Univ., Korea. GPU-Based Real-Time Lens Effects Rendering.
- 2011.06.10: ETRI, Korea. GPU-Based Real-Time Lens Effects Rendering.
- 2011.06.10: KAIST, Korea. Real-Time Lens Effects.
- 2011.06.08: POSTECH, Korea. Real-Time Lens Blur Effects and Focus Control.
- 2011.04.14: ICAT, Korea. Real-Time Lens Blur Effects.
- 2010.07.25: Los Angeles CA, SIGGRAPH 2010. Real-time Lens Blur Effects and Focus Control.
- 2009.12.09: Yokohama Japan, SIGGRAPH ASIA 2009. Depth-of-Field Rendering with Multiview Synthesis.
- 2008.10.10: Tokyo, Pacific Graphics 2008. Real-Time Depth-of-Field Rendering using Point Splatting on Per-Pixel Layers.
- 2007.11.03: Los Angeles CA, VRST 2007. Real-Time Tracking of Visuallyl Attended Objects in Interactive VEs.
- 2004.10.13: Valencia Spain, Presence Workshop 2004. Formation of Spatial Presence: By Form or Content?