Since established in March, 2011, our group conducts research in the areas of Computer Graphics (CG), Deep Learning (DL/AI), Virtual Reality (VR), and GPU computing. We aim to reach the highest quality in our research fields, and the research topics include:
- Real-time GPU rendering: ray tracing, warping, raster algorithms, and optics
- Neural rendering (e.g., 3D Gaussian Splatting and NeRFs) and real-time novel-view synthesis
- Real-time DL: DL-assisted GPU Imaging pipeline optimization (C++, OpenGL, CUDA/OpenCL)
- Differentiable rendering with emphasis on rasterization
- Synthetic data generation for next-generation AI
- Display algorithms and 3D modeling for VR and Metaverse
- General-purpose GPU computing and its accelerations
We are looking for prospective students who want to continue his/her career in a graduate school.
CGLab은 아래 학과에서, 다음 기관들과 CG, AI, VR/메타버스의 공동 연구를 진행해 오고 있습니다.
- 소속 학과: 소프트웨어학과, 실감미디어공학과
- 삼성전자(주), Pebblous(주), 자이언트스텝(주)
- ETRI, KIST, 한국연구재단, 삼성미래기술육성재단
- POSTECH, TU Delft (Netherlands), Max-Planck-Institut fuer Informatik (Germany), GFZ German Research Center for Geosciences, TU Brno (Czech Republic), University College London
CGLab에서 학부연구생 후 석박사통합과정 진학을 고려하는 학생들은 [진학안내]를 읽어 보기 바랍니다.
[Recent News]
Apr 28, 2023 | Our paper, entitled "Potentially Visible Hidden-Volume Rendering for Multi-View Warping," was accepted to SIGGRAPH 2023 Full Papers (ACM Trans. Graphics Journal track). | Feb 08, 2021 | Our paper, entitled "Hierarchical Raster Occlusion Culling," was accepted to Eurographics 2021 Full Papers. | Apr 04, 2019 | "딥러닝을 위한 불완전 렌더링" 과제가 삼성미래기술육성센터 사업에 선정되었습니다. | May 19, 2016 | Our paper, entitled "Efficient Ray Tracing Through Aspheric Lenses and Imperfect Bokeh Synthesis," was accepted to Eurographics Symposium on Rendering 2016. | Mar. 25, 2016 | Our paper, entitled "Expressive Chromatic Accumulation Buffering for Defocus Blur," was accepted to Computer Graphics International 2016. | Nov. 10, 2013 | Our paper, entitled "Saliency-Driven Real-Time Video-to-Tactile Translation," was accepted to IEEE Transactions on Haptics. | Oct. 17, 2013 | Our paper, entitled "Perceptually Driven Visibility Optimization for Categorical Data Visualization," was presented at IEEE VIS 2013 as an invited article for InfoVIS TVCG sessions. | May 10, 2013 | "선형 회귀분석을 이용한 합산 영역 테이블의 정밀도 향상" 논문(저자 정주현 외)이 2013 정보처리학회 춘계학술대회에서 우수논문상을 수상했습니다. | May 7, 2013 | Our paper, entitled "Practical Real-Time Lens-Flare Rendering," was conditionally accepted to Eurographics Symposium on Rendering 2013. | Jan. 31, 2013 | Our paper, entitled "Real-Time Defocus Rendering with Level of Detail and Subsample Blur," was accepted as a regular article to Computer Graphics Forum. | Nov. 24, 2012 | The web site of our lab. now supports viewing in mobile phones. | Nov. 1, 2012 | Our paper, entitled "Perceptually Driven Visibility Optimization for Categorical Data Visualization," was accepted as a regular article to IEEE TVCG. | Aug. 5, 2012 | Our poster, entitled "Multi-Resolution Depth-of-Field Rendering," was selected in the semi-finalist of SIGGRAPH Student Research Competition |